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第112章 战前宣誓

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    《legends never die(传奇不朽)》 legends never die,


    when the world is calling you,


    can you hear them screaming out your name,


    legends never die,


    they become a part of you,


    every time you bleed for reaching greatness,


    relentless you survive,


    they never lose hope when everythings cold and the fightings near,

    寒烟饮冰四起 壮志于骨昭然,

    its deep in their bones theyll run into smoke when the fire is fierce,

    烈火狷狂侵衣 余烬终将退散,

    oh pick yourself up cause,

    捡起你的头颅 为了自己而战,

    legends never die,


    when the world is calling you,


    can you hear them screaming out your name,


    legends never die,


    they become a part of you,


    every time you bleed for reaching greatness,


    legends never die,


    theyre written down in eternity,


    but youll never see the price it costs the scars collected all their lives,

    可叹伤痕累然 不见埋骨之川,

    when everythings lost they pick up their hearts and avenge defeat,

    天以万物夺之 便以此身为敌,

    before it all starts they suffer through harm just to touch a dream,

    回首向来当年 不过逐梦少年,

    oh pick yourself up cause,

    捡起你的头颅 为了自己而战,

    legends never die,


    when the world is calling you,


    can you hear them screaming out your name,


    legends never die,


    they become a part of you,


    every time you bleed for reaching greatness,


    legends never die,


    when the world is calling out your name,


    begging you to fight,


    pick yourself up once more,


    oh pick yourself up cause,


    legends never die,


    when the world is calling you,



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